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From ERCIM Working Group Data and Information Spaces

The "Data and Information Spaces" Working Group has been disbanded


The objective of the ERCIM Working Group on Data and Information Spaces is to build a strong network of researchers in the fields of information repositories and digital libraries.

Of special importance is to develop methods and tools to make digital, cultural and scientific content available, searchable and accessible for all kinds of users. Interoperability should be achieved on schema levels, repository levels as well as system levels.

Areas of interest:

- Metadata on schema levels, repository levels, system levels

- Interoperability on schema levels, repository levels, system levels

- Multi-media Repository development, including text, software, datasets, audio, and video documents

- Multi-media Content management (in business, research, homes, etcetera)

- Open access, Open Archives, Federated repositories

- Long-term preservation and curation of digital objects