Participants of the kick-off meeting, Aarhus, 18 September 2008
Anne Gams Steine Asserson, Univ. of Bergen, Norway
Christoph Becker, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
José Borbinha, INESC, Portugal
Gunnar Eriksson SICS, Sweden
Christian Fuhrhop, Fraunhofer, Germany
Jussi Karlgren SICS, Sweden
Laszlo Kovacs , MTA SZTAK, Hungary
Hannes Kulovits, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Simon Lambert, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, England
Monica Roos, Univ. of Bergen
Heiko Schuldt , University of Basel, Switzerland
Beat Signer, ETH, Switzerland
Ingeborg T. Sølvberg, NTNU, Norway
Further participants in the WG (not present at the kick-off meeting)
Preben Hansen SICS, Sweden