MLQA 2009

From ERCIM Working Group MLQA

The Kick-Off meeting of the proposed ERCIM working group on Models and Logics for Quantitative Analysis (abbreviated MLQA) took place on Saturday 28’th of March in conjunction with ETAPS 2009 in York.

Programe of the meeting

  • 10.10-10.30: Opening
    • Flemming Nielson: “An overview of MLQA”
  • 11.00-12.30: Invited Talks:
    • Stephen Gilmore - stochastic analysis in PEPA
    • Carolyn Talcott - statistical model checking in Maude
    • Rocco De Nicola - process algebras for stochastic features
  • 14.00-15.30: Invited Talks:
    • Diego Latella - applications to service oriented systems: “A Stochastic Logic for Mobility and Global Computing”
    • Holger Hermanns - applications to embedded systems
    • Paola Quaglia - applications to biological systems
  • 16.00-17.00: Short Presentations (“4 minutes, 1 slide”):
    • Tino Teige (University of Oldenburg).
    • Herbert Wiklicky (Imperial College).
    • Vashti Galpin (University of Edinburgh).
    • Manuela Bujorianu (Cicada).
    • Stefan Kiefer (TU Munich).
    • Erik de Vink (CWI and TU/e).
    • Milad Niqui (CWI).
    • Ezio Bartocci (Universita Camerino).
    • Henrikas Pranevicius (Kaunas University of Technology).
    • Sven Schneider (TU Berlin).
    • Mark Timmer (University of Twente).
    • Uli Fahrenberg (University of Aalborg).
  • 17.10-18.00: Discussion

Meeting attendees

Attendant Affiliation
Ezio Bartocci UNICAM, Camerino, Italy
Manuela Bujorianu University of Manchester, UK
Gabriel Ciobanu Romanian Academy,Iasi, Romania
Vincent Danos University of Edinburgh, Informatics
Rocco de Nicola Universita di Firenze, Italy
Erik de Vink TU Eindhoven and CWI
Uli Fahrenberg Aalborg University, Computer Science
Vashti Galpin University of Edinburgh, Informatics
Stephen Gilmore University of Edinburgh, Informatics
Matthew Hennessy Trinity College Dublin, Computer Science
Holger Hermanns Saarland University
Jane Hillston University of Edinburgh, Informatics
Joost-Pieter Katoen RWTH Aachen and University of Twente
Stefan Kiefer TU Munich, Informatics
Richard Lassaigne University Paris 7
Diego Latella CNR, ISTI
Michele Loreti Universita di Firenze, Italy
Emanuela Merelli UNICAM, Camerino, Italy
Flemming Nielson DTU Informatics
Hanne Riis Nielson DTU Informatics
Milad Niqui CWI
Catuscia Palamidessi INRIA
David Parker Oxford University
Nenrikas Pranevicius Kaunas University
Paola Quaglia Trento University, Italy
Vladimiro Sassone University of Southampton
Sven Schneider Technical University Berlin
Nataliya Skrypnyuk DTU Informatics
Carolyn Talcott SRI International, USA
Tino Teige Oldenburg University
Mark Timmer University of Twente, Netherlands
Herbert Wiklicky Imperial College, London
Ender Yuksel DTU Informatics

Presentations' slides

Presentation by Flemming Nielson

Presentation by Stephen Gilmore

Presentation by Carolyn Talcott

Presentation by Rocco De Nicola

Presentation by Diego Latella

Presentation by Holger Hermanns

Presentation by Paola Quaglia

Short presentations by the participants

Meeting's results

The discussion fully supported actually creating the working group.

Concerning the mission statement it was suggested that the logic component be stressed further, that we should make sure to involve control theory and that we should be open to neighbouring areas like performance guarantees; the latter could be accomplished by inviting guest speakers to future meetings. It was also suggested that theorem proving be mentioned as a relevant technology. Concerning application areas it was suggested that life sciences (applications to biology) should be worked better into the document and that the security component should be strengthened.

Concerning the duration of the meetings a two day meeting colocated with a relevant conference was favoured. It is not the intention ot create a meeting with accepted papers but rather to keep it an informal venue intended to create synergies. Some concrete suggestions were to colocate with QEST and FORMATS whereas ETAPS was felt to be a bit crowded (and there was the unfortunate scheduling of MLQA and QAPL on the same day) and ICALP and DiscoTec were found not to be too close in topic. Indeed QEST and FORMATS will be held in 2011 in Aachen and Joost-Pieter Katoen (present at the meeting) will be the organizer.

Concerning the contents of the meeting it was suggested that an effort should be made to make the meetings “special”. Ideas could be to contrast “opposing” analysis techniques, to present and share case studies of a reasonable size that could be addressed using various techniques. In other words to actually avoid the risk of becoming yet another conference. Once the board of the working group is in place it would be the duty of the board to make this kind of planning.