MLQA 2010

From ERCIM Working Group MLQA
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The second annual meeting of the MLQA working group took place on Friday July 9'th 2010 as part of FLoC 2010 in Edinburgh (Scotland). The theme of the meeting was:

  • Static Analysis versus Model Checking: similarities, differences, synergies

The event consisted of a number of invited talks, a poster session and a business meeting. The purpose of invited talks was to cover some of the historical developments, survey the links established, establish state-of-the-art, identify the problems still worth pursuing and give a perspective on the implications and (novel) applications that can be foreseen. At the poster session mainly the recent research of the participants and the work in progress was being presented. The long-lasting aim of the meeting was to lay the foundations for future research collaborations on challenging research problems.

See Handout of the meeting and Minutes from the business meeting. See Poster Session at MLQA 2010.

Programme for Friday, July 9'th 2010

(You can see the abstracts and slides of the talks by clicking on the talk titles).

Friday 9.00-10.00

Friday 10.00-10.30

  • Coffee & Poster Session

Friday 10.30-12.30

Friday 12.30-14.00

  • Lunch

Friday 14.00-15.00

Friday 15.00-15.30

  • Coffee & Poster Session

Friday 15.30-17.00

  • MLQA Business Meeting (open to all attendees) about the future of MLQA and future research collaborations. See Minutes taken during the meeting.