1st ERCIM Open Data Working Group Meeting Programme

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1st ERCIM Open Data Working Group Meeting Programme

23 October 2014,
Pisa, Italy

09:30 - 09:45 Welcome and Short Presentation of ERCIM Open Data WG 09:45 - 10:15 How the use of Open Data can benefit the Tourism Industry (Irini Fundulaki, ICS-FORTH)

10:15 - 10:45 Georgios Georgiannakis, Head of Section for Food Safety and Administrative IT Systems at European Commission, DG SANCO
Linked and open data for Health: the case of DG SANCO
Abstract: "The Directive on re-use of public sector information recognises the economic value of reuse of public information held at public authorities and encourages authorities to make available for reuse as much information as possible. The Health and Consumers DG believes that no matter if data is public or private, data is linked and data has authorship. In the process of legislation, monitoring and control, enforcement and management of health related threats DG SANCO has to collect, process, link and publish data across different scientific domains and practices. We discuss a few practical examples, the current approach and challenges for the future. "

10:45 - 11:15 Dr Su White, Web and Internet Science, ECS. University of Southampton
Open Data and Higher Education: future gains and current practice
Abstract: "The arguments which promote the use and potential of open data in education can trace their roots back to scholarly communication communities. The close symbiosis between the Web as we know it and the values and working practices of scholars in higher educational institutions has been acknowledged. The work of HEIs is complex and extends well beyond research and education. Education is a costly and increasingly competitive business. Costs are associated not only with research and education but with a vast array of back office administrative functions and demands to publish performance indicators to the public domain. This presentation will argue that HEIs are in a powerful position to couple the insights which accrue thanks to their roles as creators and early adopters of open data. Open data practices afford gains which complement the exchange of new knowledge, and the sharing of knowledge and information for public good - especially if it has been funded by the public purse. Internally, insightful use of private open data had the potential to streamline administrative and educational processes. Evolving understandings of the potential and power of data driven approaches may enable institutions to gain economic and repetitional advantage potentially driving down internal costs, streamlining aspects of the research process, making positive contributions to teaching and the support of teaching and learning, along with enhancing services which promote educational choice and student recruitment."

11:15 - 11:45 Marko grobelnik, Aljaz Kosmerlj, Jozef Stefan Institute
Open Events Streaming
Abstract: In the presentation we will present and demonstrate how to stream data about global media events across many languages. The approach is based on the Global Media Monitoring platform http://EventRegistry.org for (a) collecting media information from 300,000 news and social media sources, (b) performing linguistic and semantic processing in multiple languages, (c) forming events and event sequences, (d) streaming information about events in open data formats, (e) rich set of visualizations, and (f) allowing complex queries for analysing global social dynamics.

11:45 - 12:45 Discussion, Concluding Remarks