Third ERCIM Workshop on eMobility
May 27-28, 2009 - University of Twente, The Netherlands
in conjunction with WWIC 2009
The 3rd ERCIM Workshop on eMobility has been held at University of Twente, The Netherlands on May 27-28, 2009, in conjunction with WWIC 2009. More than 30 participants attended the workshop. The program was again formed of several invited talks as well as contributions received from an open call for papers.
The workshop started with two invited talks given by Prof. Fernando Boavida (University of Coimbra) and Prof. Aiko Pras (University of Twente) presenting two already running FP7 Networks of Excellence. The other invited presentations given by Thomas Michael Bohnert (SAP Zürich, see photograph) and Prof. Geert Heijenk (University of Twente) focussed on different vehicle communication issues. While the former one rather discussed business-related aspects, the latter one discussed car-to-car communications issues and in particular mechanisms for cruise control to improve security and efficiency as well as reduce emissions.

In addition to the invited talks, several technical sessions based on a peer reviewing process habe been organized. 14 papers from 22 submissions have been accepted and presented within two abstract and short paper sessions on "Security and Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication in Mobile Networks" and "Wireless Mesh, Wireless LAN, and Fixed Network Service" as well as two full paper sessions on "Performance Optimization in Wireless and Cellular Networks" and "Real World Applications and Case Studies of Wireless Sensor Networks and Wireless LANs".
In the tradition of its predecessors, the 3rd workshop of the ERCIM WG on eMobility has been a big success in terms of attendance and quality of presentations. This could only be achieved due to the hard work of authors and reviewers. The hosts at University of Twente under the guidance of Geert Heijenk not only provided excellent meeting facilities, but also published printed workshop proceedings.
The proceedings of the workshop may be downloaded in PDF format.
A printed version is also available (ISBN: 978-90-365-2846-7).
The CfP of the workshop is still available here.
ERCIM eMobility
Scientists interested in joining the eMobility Working Group should contact the Working Group coordinator.
Please contact:
Torsten Braun
eMobility WG coordinator
University of Bern