TCS on Quantitative Aspects of Programming Languages and Systems
Quantitative Aspects of Programming Languages and Systems (QAPL 2011/12)
We invite the submission of papers on Quantitative Aspects of Programming
Languages and Systems for publication in a special issue of the Journal of
Theoretical Computer Science (TCS). In particular we welcome papers which
are revised versions of the submitted to and presented at the QAPL 2011
Workshop in Saarbruecken and QAPL 2012 in Tallinn. We will additionally
also welcome submissions of papers not presented at QAPL, provided they
fall into the scope of the call.
Quantitative aspects of computation are important and sometimes essential in
characterising the behaviour and determining the properties of systems. They
are related to the use of physical quantities (storage space, time, bandwidth,
etc.) as well as mathematical quantities (e.g. probability and measures for
reliability, risk and trust). Such quantities play a central role in defining
both the model of systems (architecture, language design, semantics) and the
methodologies and tools for the analysis and verification of system
properties. This special issue will be devoted to research papers which
discuss the explicit use of quantitative information such as time and
probabilities either directly in the model or as a tool for the analysis of
systems. In particular, contributions should focus on
- the design of probabilistic and real-time languages and the definition of
semantical models for such languages;
- the discussion of methodologies for the analysis of probabilistic and timing
properties (e.g. security, safety, schedulability) and of other quantifiable
properties such as reliability (for hardware components), trustworthiness
(in information security) and resource usage (e.g. worst-case
memory/stack/cache requirements);
- the probabilistic analysis of systems which do not explicitly incorporate
quantitative aspects (e.g. performance, reliability and risk analysis);
- applications to safety-critical systems, communication protocols, control
systems, asynchronous hardware, and to any other domain involving
quantitative issues.
- the investigation of computational models and paradigms involving
quantitative aspects, such as those arising in quantum computation, systems
biology, bioinformatics, etc.
Topics include (but are not limited to) probabilistic, timing and general
quantitative aspects in:
Language design, language expressiveness, quantitative language extension,
semantics, logic, verification, automated reasoning, testing, model-checking,
program analysis, performance analysis, resource analysis, safety, security
and protocol analysis, risk and hazard analysis, for biological systems,
quantum languages, information systems, multi-tasking and multi-core systems,
time-critical systems, embedded systems, coordination models, scheduling
theory, distributed systems, concurrent systems, etc.
Papers should be 20-25 pages long, including appendices, and should be
formatted according to Elsevier's elsart document style used for articles in
the Journal of Theoretical Computer Science (see the Guide for Authors at
Submissions are through the Elsevier Editorial System for TCS located at To ensure that all manuscripts are
correctly identified for inclusion into the special issue, please make sure
you select/specify "SI:TCS_B QAPL 2011/12" when you reach the step in the
submission process.
- Paper submission: 15 August 2012
- Notification: 30 November 2012
Gethin Norman
University of Glasgow, UK
Mieke Massink
CNR-ISTI, Pisa, Italy
Herbert Wiklicky
Imperial College London, UK
Further information at