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From ERCIM Working Group MLQA
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ERCIM Working Group on Models and Logics for Quantitative Analysis (MLQA)


Models and Logics for Quantitative Analysis are seen as comprising process models analysed using logics for quantitative properties. More specifically, we will

  1. consider process models formally described by transition systems, automata or process calculi,
  2. consider logics for expressing stochastic and continuous properties as well as discrete ones,
  3. focus on algorithms, theory and tools, and
  4. study applications with particular emphasis on embedded systems and service oriented systems but will aim at treating also IT guided workflow systems and biological systems.

The MLQA home page:

The goal of this working group is to create a venue for knowledge sharing in this exciting area, for creating a network also for young researchers, for sharing tools developed within the field, for discussing research directions, and eventually to formulate a European project or network on formal quantitative analysis.

The working group will be open also to researchers outside of ERCIM (and outside of Europe).

Upcoming events

MLQA 2013

Past events

The Kick-Off meeting: MLQA 2009

The second annual meeting: MLQA 2010

The third annual meeting: MLQA 2011