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From ERCIM Working Group MUSCLE

ERCIM MUSCLE Working Group

Muscle logo captioned.png Muscle (formerly IVU, Image and Vision Understanding) is the ERCIM Working Group on multimedia understanding through semantics, computation and learning. It gathers teams from both ERCIM and non-ERCIM institutions whose expertise ranges from machine learning and artificial intelligence to image/video/audio processing and multimedia database management.

Objectives of the Working Group

  • To act as a forum to discuss directions and trends in multimedia research
  • To support research by international cooperation
  • To form a training network for young researchers in all fields relevant to multimedia understanding


  • Regular meetings to set up challenges, policies and strategies
  • Mutual collaborations in research projects
  • Scientific workshops, seminars and summer schools for young researchers
  • Supervision of fellowship projects (e.g., within the ERCIM Fellowship Programme)

Group Coordinators

Chair, 2018: Davide Moroni, CNR, Italy

Steering Committee, 2018:

Enis Cetin, Bilkent U., Turkey
Michal Haindl, Czech Republic Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
Montse Pardas, U. P. Catalunya, Spain
Cristina Ribeiro, INESC-TEC, Portugal
Emanuele Salerno, CNR, Italy
Andras Majdik, MTA SZTAKI, Hungary
Behcet Ugur Toreyin, ITU Informatics Institute, Turkey
Maria Trocan, ISEP, France