1st ERCIM Open Data Working Group Meeting

From ERCIM Working Group OpenData

1st ERCIM Open Data Working Group Meeting will be held on October 23rd in Pisa, Italy along with the Celebration for the 25 years of ERCIM.

The meeting will be held in the premises at the CNR campus in Pisa. Location: Room C29 at ISTI CNR, CNR Campus Pisa Area della ricerca di Pisa - Via G. Moruzzi,1 S. Cataldo - 56124 Pisa (Italia)


The programme of the meeting is available here>>


Irini Fundulaki
Institute of Computer Science Foundation for Research & Technology (FORTH), Greece


Josep L. Larriba Pey
Data Management group at Polytechnic University of Catalonia Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain

Floris Geerts
Advanced Database Research and Modelling University of Antwerp, Belgium

Martin Theobald
Advanced Database Research and Modelling University of Antwerp, Belgium

Ioana Manolescu - Goujot
Large-scale Heterogeneous Data and Knowledge French Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation (INRIA), France

Oreste Signore
WebLab: Research, Development and Education in Web Technologies Institute of Information Science and Technologies (ISTI), Italy


Elena Simperl
Web and Internet Science Group, University of Southampton, UK

Marko Grobelnik
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia

Maarten Marx
Informatics Institute Universiteit van Amsterdam, Netherlands

Oscar Corcho
Artificial Intelligence Department Universidad Politécnica de Madrid