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From ERCIM Working Group Sensor Web

The Working Group is closed. These pages are maintained for information and archives.

ERCIM Working Group Sensor Web

The emergence of the Sensor Web concept is due to the proliferation of physical devices that are accessible through the internet and thus, act as an extension to the World Wide Web. Through new hardware peripherals, connected directly to the Web, automatically interpreted, integrated and transformed for human interaction, querying and mining, we create the Sensor Web.

The Sensor Web provides a platform for new ideas and applications for different domains. However, each application domain has its own unique characteristics and the concept of a general platform can be developed only for laboratory tests. As a result, development tends to focus on proprietary solutions to meet a varied set of requirements.

The objective of the Sensor Web Working Group is to promote and facilitate interactions between various R&D groups inside and outside ERCIM, in multidisciplinary themes relevant to the Sensor Web.

The Working Group members cover a wide range of ICT skills (software engineers, information management and databases including information retrieval, wireless applications, networks, security and e-mobility, ambient and ubiquitous computing), and through their collaborators have a broad multidisciplinary base. Areas of interest to the group include both applied and basic research. Examples of deployment areas include personal health, environmental analysis, ambient intelligence, locomotive and large vehicle monitoring, military applications, deployment of personnel in toxic environments and traffic analysis.